Advanced features of Kirchhoff migration in Prime.
- Processing in 2D and 3D;
- Interactive layer-be-layer migration with parameters selection for every layer and even for different parts of a single layer.
- Migration in time and depth domain;
- Pre-stack and post-stack migration with common image point gather creation;
- Anisotropy taking into account;
- PP and PS waves migration;
- Compensation for complex surface effect;
- Refraction taking into account for every horizon in depth-velocity model;
- Interactive aperture selection for every layer separately;
- Processing speed allows fast interactive analysis and computations;
- Band pass and compensating filtering for migrated results;
- Migration modes suitable for both PC and cluster processing.
Layer-by-layer boundary integral migration of SCP gathers (analogue of RTM).
- Processing in 2D and 3D;
- Interactive layer-be-layer migration with parameters selection for every layer and even for different parts of a single layer.
- Anisotropy taking into account;
- PP and PS waves migration;
- Anisotropy taking into account;
- PP and PS waves migration;
- Non-ray effects taking into account during wave field transformation from layer to layer;
- Possibility to avoid the time wave field computation. It is actual in case of complex 3D environment;
- Amplitude recovery during migration;
- Processing speed allows fast interactive analysis and computations.
Result of time migration in average velocities. Depth-velocity model, that was used for migration is shown on the left.
Result of depth migration in layered model. Depth-velocity model, that was used for migration is shown on the left.
Example of data with gas accumulation. Gas-water contact was recognized after processing. It was confirmed by drilling later.
Result of 2D pre-stack migration and multiple elimination.