
General Director
Dmitry Mosyakov
Dmitry Mosyakov
General Director

Since the company foundation Dmitry is the head of strategic and administrative management, he also takes part in software development.

In 1994 Dmitry graduated from Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (which is a part of Technical University) with specialization in “Robots and robotic systems”.

Industrial work experience since 1991 year.

Chief Geophysicist
Oleg Silaenkov
Oleg Silaenkov
Chief Geophysicist

Oleg oversees the strategic planning and control of software development, new methodology implementation and new algorithms development.

Oleg graduated from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas with specialization in “Geophysical methods of Fossil Fuels Prospecting and exploration” in 1985.

Industrial work experience since 1985 year.

Research and scientific papers in English:

  • Davletkhanov R.T., Langman S.L., Silaenkov O.A. Statics correction without NMO distortion of the reflectors, corresponding to velocity-depth model // «Geomodel – 2012». Russia, Gelendjik, September 10-14, 2012
  • Silaenkov O.A. Imaging driven modeling//The 1st International Scientific NIS GeoConference (Novel Industry & Science), Serbia, Novi Sad, October 10-12, 2018.
Chief Software Development
Segey Langman
Segey Langman
Chief Software Development

Sergey supervises the following research areas: direct and inverse kinematical problems for 2D/3D data, 2D/3D depth-velocity model building and its precision and robustness estimation, 2D/3D migration and its adaptation to the cluster computations, kinematical-dynamical transformation for coherent events identifying and picking in both time and depth domains.

Sergey graduated from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas with specialization in “Applied mathematics”.

Industrial work experience since 1978 year. PhD in Physics and Mathematics.

Research and scientific papers in English:

  • Baixas F., Glogovsky V.M., Langman S.L., An interactively constrained approach to long-perios static corrections, EAGE 59th Conference and Technical Exhibition – Geneva, Switzeland, 26-30 May 1997 – Geophysical Division, P008, 1997
  • Denisov M.S., Langman S.L., Finikov D.B. Pattern-Based Compensation for Signal Distortions in 3D Kirchhoff Depth Migration // EAGE 69th Conference & Exhibition – London, UK, 11-14 June 2007.
  • Glagovsky V.M., Landa E., Langman S.L., Moser T.J. Validating the velocity model: the Hamburg Score. // First Break, 27, 3, 77-85, 2009.
  • Davletkhanov R.T., Langman S.L., Silaenkov O.A. Statics correction without NMO distortion of the reflectors, corresponding to velocity-depth model // «Geomodel – 2012». Russia, Gelendjik, September 10-14, 2012 г.
  • D. Lokshtanov* (Statoil ASA), S. Langman (Yandex.Terra), E. Kurin (Geolab Ltd.) Wave-equation Common Image Gathers and their Combination with Nonlinear Ray-based Tomography, 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition – Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands, 16-19 June 2014
Head of Seismic Data Processing Department
Ivan Kuznetsov
Ivan Kuznetsov
Head of Seismic Data Processing Department

Ivan leads the methodical administration and technological control for 2D/3D processing of on-shore, off-shore, multichannel and wide-azimuth data in Prime, supervises new methods development and implementation for seismic data processing, and controls complete geological tasks execution consistent with customers’ requirements.

Ivan graduated from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas with specialization in “Geophysical methods of Fossil Fuels Prospecting and Exploration”.

Industrial work experience since 1984 year.

Head of R&D Department
Dmitry Finikov
Dmitry Finikov
Head of R&D Department

Dmitry leads scientific research, supervises implementation of new methods and approaches of seismic data processing, controls Prime algorithms development and Prime technologies improvement.

Dmitry graduated from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas with specialization in “Applied mathematics” in 1979.

Industrial work experience since 1978 year. PhD.

Research and scientific papers in English:

  • Denisov M.S., Finikov D.B., Amplitude deconvolution
  • Denisov M.S., Finikov D.B., Obremchenko D.M., A compact non-stationary wavelet parametrization for deconvolution and Q estimation, SEG Int'l Exposition and Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, September 9-14, 2001
  • Denisov M., Finikov D., Efficient multiple attenuation with a dealiased velocity filtering in f-x domain. // EAGE 63rd Congerence & Technical Exhibition - Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11 - 15 June 2001
  • Denisov M.S., Finikov D.B., Wavefield extrapolation based on the local slant stacking. 63rd EAGE Conference & Technical Exhibition – Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-15 June 2001.
  • Denisov M.S., Finikov D.B., An alias protection scheme for radon transform. // EAGE 64th Conference & Exhibition – Florence, Italy, 27-30 May 2002, C-11.
  • Lokshtanov D., Denisov M.S., Finikov D.B. Multiple suppression and datuming with an antialiased radon transform for marine 4C data. // EAGE 64th Conference & Technical Exhibition – Florence, Italy, 27-30 May 2002, F-37.
  • Finikov D.B., Poluboyarinov M.A. Predictive Deconvolution for Correction of Nonstationary Seismic records // EAGE London 2007, extended abstracts, 2007
  • Denisov M.S., Langman S.L., Finikov D.B. Pattern-Based Compensation for Signal Distortions in 3D Kirchhoff Depth Migration // EAGE 69th Conference & Exhibition – London, UK, 11-14 June 2007.
  • Finikov D.B. Wide-azimuth seismics: on the one hand, complications of conduction and data processing, and on the other hand, possibility to obtain high-quality images. What problems can be efficiently solved with the use of wide-azimuth seismics?//, 2016
  • Lokshtanov* D., Fjellanger J.P., Anisimov R., Davletkhanov R., Finikov D. Efficient suppression of multiples in the Valemon-Kvitebørn reprocessing and imaging project//81st Conference and Exhibition EAGE London 2019, EAGE Annual 2019, London, June 3-6, 2019
Marketing Director
Inna Solovyeva
Inna Solovyeva
Marketing Director

Inna oversees the marketing strategy development and implementation, including events participation, websites, advertising, social media and media relations, as well as organizational issues in the area of co-operation with prospective partners.

Education: Tyumen State University (Romano-German Philology), Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Marketing), Educational Centre "Netology" (digital marketing)

Industrial work experience is more than 25 years. A member of AGGI. Inna started as a technical translator in SurgutNefteGas and SovFranceGeo and then she worked as a technical translator and CIS regional licensing database administrator at Paradigm. From 2003 till 2010 - CIS Regional Marketing Manager at Paradigm, then - Marketing Director of GeoPrime (IGSS) company. Since July 2012 Inna has been leading marketing of Seismotech, Ltd.