Seismotech, Ltd. will present a report at the Conference "Digitgas-2024" in October 2024

Seismotech, Ltd. will present a report at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Technological Days of Science-intensive Software ‘Digitgas’ (Digitgas-2024) which will be held in St. Petersburg on October 15-17, 2024:

Domestic Prime software: a new stage in industrial seismic data processing

The speaker: Anisimov Ruslan, Leading Software Developer, Seismotech Ltd.

The authors are: Anisimov Ruslan, Ovchinnikov Kirill, Silaenkov Oleg

Seismotech's Prime software development strategy has always been aimed at solving actual seismic exploration problems rather than simply copying popular processing systems. This approach represents a competitive advantage in the foreign market, but in the domestic market geophysicists imagine import substitution as the creation of domestic copies of foreign systems. This approach does not offer any prospects for the further development, and companies choosing such a development strategy will never become technological leaders, but will always have to remain in the role of a catching up company.

At present, the Prime system has more and more users. We are actively engaged in technical support and conducting training courses. Although the system allows to realize any standard seismic processing sequence, it is mainly focused on the tasks of the environment depth images obtaining and it is developing in this direction. This trend can also be observed in the development of the most popular foreign systems. To ensure further software development, it is important that seismic data customers take into account the actuality of the paradigm discussed here.