Within XIII online conference “Mathematical modeling and computer technologies in the development of oil and gas fields” we are pleased to invite you to attend the following report:
How and why to model wave fields in seismic acquisition.
Ovchinnikov K.R., Silaenkov O.A., Finikov D.B., Shalashnikov A.V., Seismotech, Ltd.
Traditionally, the processing result is the obtaining of various images of the environment, which are ready for their interpretation. It is important that these images contain the correct dynamic parameters of the waves and are not complicated by the noise. It turns out that this can also be achieved by using model wave fields. The report will demonstrate the use of modeling for reference seismograms calculation and the usage of the seismic gathers both for correcting amplitude distortions after migration, and for obtaining estimates of static shifts, and for noise suppression. In addition, special algorithms for modeling of multiple waves, which are used to suppress them, are used in the processing.