In the framework of the International geological and geophysical conference "GeoEurasia-2018" we’ll be glad to meet you at the following report:
Andrey Kharitonov, chief specialist of Yandex Terra, "How does all this glue together? 3π facts about the interpretative processing with Prime".
Why 3π? The answer is very simple.
It is very difficult to calculate the exact number of facts about our system. For example, we may limite it to one: Prime is an advanced constantly developed system for seismic data processing, allowing geophysicists to solve the most difficult tasks. Or we may make a long list of facts and tell you about our unique algorithms and approaches implemented in our system. 3π is just a nice number.
What are we going to glue?
In the presentation we rise probably one of the most important question - how to obtain a single consistent solution that would satisfy seismologists, geologists and developers. How and at what stages a priori information should be involved into the process? Where would we look for points of contact? It is necessary to glue the entire complex of heterogeneous, different and poorly formalized information about the objects of study.
We offer you an opportunity how you may try to do it.