On March 27, 2013, we carried out a presentation «Yandex Terra - your new hardware-software complex» within the framework of the international scientific-practical conference “Tyumen-2013. New Geotechnology for old oil provinces” in «Tyumen» hotel.
Speakers: Мосяков D.U., Kuznetsov IK.
At the same day we also represented the following reports of Seismotech experts:
10.00 - The usage of kinematic-dynamic transformation for statics correction tasks R. Davletkhanov (Seismotech, Ltd.), S. Langman* (Seismotech, Ltd.), O. Silaenkov (Seismotech, Ltd.)
10.20 - Wave field transformation: migration, wave field redatuming, modeling. D. Finikov* (Seismotech, Ltd.), A. Shalashnikov (Seismotech, Ltd.)