Customer Review from Gazprom Neft Middle East B.V. on the results of the works completed by Yandex Terra
Customer Review on the results of 3D seismic data processing in the Prime software system, Iraq, 2014.
Yandex Terra provided the services for 3D seismic data processing for Shakal area, Kurdistan, Iraq. The territory features the complex geological surfaces (considerable differences of relief or complex geometry) and seismic-geological (thrust tectonics) conditions.
The transfer of initial data and the results of the executed works, as well as a part of services within this project, was fulfilled with the application of the working environment with computation capacities of Yandex Terra (“Customer’s Computing Environment”), which was provided by Yandex Terra.
This “Customer’s Computing Environment” enabled the cooperative work of the experts with remote locations, providing the access to the project data from various geographical parts of the world, the on-line monitoring of work progress, and the high standards of security and confidentiality of data.