Interpretative seismic data processing

Interpretive seismic data processing
Interpretive seismic data processing

Our team has a wide-range experience in the field of interpretive seismic data processing in Prime technologies. Prime has proven its efficiency and vitality via more than 100 executed projects for different complex geological areas in the world.

Prime includes more than 400 efficient interactive tools. It contains both classical processing modules and unique algorithms, which were created for the recent several years and have been already used for complicated processing tasks solutions.

At the moment the hardware capabilities of Seismotech are presented by 4000 CPU (with the possibility of extension), random access memory - 16 000 Gb and disk storage - 2640 Tb.

Our clients extract maximum of geological information from seismic data in a very fast way from the powerful combination of all Seismotech advantages together with our keen experience and expertise in on-shore and off-shore 2D and 3D data processing in various regions of the world.

To receive more detailed information, please, contact us using Contact information and specify the area of your interest.