Version 3.0 of the Prime Software System will become available since August 2018.

"The Prime 3.0 version has been considerably extended by adding a number of interpretation tools, which enhances collaboration of processing engineers and analysts starting from the early project stages.

Options for estimation of parameters required in interpretation were added to 3D Migration, they are: signal amplitude at various angles of beam reflection from an interface; components of vector normal to an interface; information on a tangency point position on diffraction travel time graph; and model-based wavefield separation into specularly reflected and diffractive components. These options bring the system closer to interpretation and allow more accurate estimation of wavefield amplitude parameters.

In addition, the 3D migration of multiples that is often used for offshore data handling was implemented.

New algorithms for 3D travel time inversion were developed.

Programs designed to solve a wide range of tasks for post-migration cubes processing and seismic geometry attributes calculation were added; a number of improvements in technological processes were made.

New technologies:

New parameters were added to Migration 3D and Migration 3D Cluster plugins, they are: decimation of solution of travel time forward modelling; amplitude normalization of output sample by the number of samples being summed. New migration modes were added to Migration 3D Cluster plugin, namely:

  • a. Prestack CIG AB is a pre-stack migration with output of migrated gathers carrying information on α angles (beam angle in reflection point) and β (azimuth).
  • b. Prestack CIG N is a pre-stack migration with output of migrated gathers carrying information on orientation of normal vector in reflection point.
  • c. Prestack CIG XY is a pre-stack migration with output of migrated gathers carrying information on X and Y coordinates.
  • d. Prestack CIG MD is a pre-stack migration with output of migrated gathers separately carrying information on reflections and diffractions.

In addition, migration of multiples and possibility to use velocity model from cube were added to Migration 3D Cluster plugin.

Layer Inversion Cluster is a program running on cluster and designed for travel time inversion in locally homogeneous layered model. Solution is obtained by means of variation of user-defined model parameter in order to optimize a residual function (difference between input data and result of forward modelling). As opposed to Kinematic Inversion 3D plugin, it is possible to switch off using method of layer-by-layer conversion; i.e., data may remain on observation surface. This plugin can also be used to determine or update not only the interval velocity, but also other kinematic parameters of a model, which describe anisotropy or vertical velocity gradient.

Layered Tomography Cluster is a program running on cluster and designed for travel time inversion by refining an available initial model. The problem is solved using the Nonlinear Beam Tomography method working in layered model with conformally-layered parametrization. This feature provides a significant competitive advantage over the existing analogues. In essence, the hybrid approach is used that adds flexibility to the procedure, while maintaining the main advantages of layered model.

Cube Structural Analysis/Processing Cluster is a program running on cluster and designed to solve a wide range of post-migration problems of seismic cubes processing; among them are: suppression of “footprint”; coherent filtering of cube along the elemental areas of coherent events in order to highlight faults and also to calculate seismic geometry attributes.

Conform Morphing Cube Cluster is a program running on cluster and designed for cubes transformation (morphing) onto geometry of slices that are conformal to layers of depth model. Horizontal sections of “morphed” cube correspond to the values taken from the input cube along the conformal interfaces.

Additional features:

1. Additions:

  • a. Support of deviated wells (layer intersection coordinates should be specified).

  • b. Possibility to superimpose a depth-velocity model on a section with variable transparency (Model overlay).

  • c. Synchronization of cursor between applications (convenient to identify the trace position on a map).
  • d. Saving names of seismic files versions and their history in database.
  • e. Visualization of histograms, pie charts, crossplots for metacube fields.
  • f. New StaticsComputePlus module for statics calculation. Distinction from the existing StaticsCompute module: the new one allows using multivariate model and selecting the order of corrections calculation. This module is considerably faster due to implementation of simultaneous loading of input TimePicks libraries and support of multithreading.
  • g. New SurfConAmplCompute and SurfConDeconCompute modules for calculation of surface-consisted amplitude coefficients and cepstral coefficients of surface-consisted deconvolution. Distinction from the existing SurfConCompute module for solving both problems is that the new modules allow using multivariate model and selecting the order of corrections calculation. These modules are considerably faster due to implementation of simultaneous loading of input WaveStatistics libraries and support of multithreading.

2. Enhancements:

  • a) New functions are added to Metacube.
  • b) New options are added to Liman application, including automated calculation of grid geometry.

3. Improvements to Builder3d application, including the following:

  • a) Shading map overlaying on horizontal slices of displayed cubes.
  • b) In addition to the tools for 3D surface-consisted static corrections (Statics 3D is building surfaces for individual components of static corrections; formation of static corrections from surfaces; identification and removal of statics trend component; saving several libraries as a single one; reversal of correction sign), a similar feature is implemented for 2D statics (Statics 2D). Similar tools are implemented for amplitude corrections 2D/3D (SCAC 2D/3D).
  • c) Changes facilitating creation of a job/task tree in the JobWizard application.
  • d) Operation of WriteMetacube, StaticsCompute, and SurfConCompute, MultiChannelEditing modules was accelerated, including the cases of very dense data.

User Guide for Prime 3.0 is improved and supplemented for the convenience of users.

In this version, we tried to take into account all wishes of our customers, which hopefully will let Specialists to achieve excellent results in the shortest possible time, and Customers will have a convenient tool for prompt and comprehensive quality control of results in all stages of seismic data processing.

Velocity model
Data manager