Seismotech will present a report at the "Tyumen 2024" conference

Seismotech, Ltd. will present a report at the 8th Scientific and Practical Conference "Tyumen 2024. Current Trends in Scientific, Technological and Operational Development of the Oil and Gas Industry" on September 23-27, 2024

Within the 8th Scientific and Practical Conference "Tyumen 2024. Current Trends in Scientific, Technological and Operational Development of the Oil and Gas Industry" we are pleased to invite you to attend the following report:

Concept of development of the native complex of interpretative seismic data processing.

The speaker: Ovchinnikov Kirill, Leading geophysicist, Seismotech Ltd.

The authors are: Anisimov Ruslan, Ovchinnikov Kirill, Silaenkov Oleg

Seismotech's Prime software development strategy has always been aimed at solving actual seismic exploration problems rather than simply copying popular processing systems. Initially, Prime technologies made it possible to control the correctness and accuracy of the results obtained by involving a priori information and using depth images from the earliest processing stages.

Industrial seismic processing has traditionally been very conservative. Typically, new techniques and fresh algorithms go through extended testing phases. As computing technology advances, there are opportunities to implement proven methods that have been developed over decades.

The processing of seismic data is now entering a new stage. Processing is increasingly incorporating procedures that converge with interpretation, thus so-called “depth processing” is becoming more demanded.

Interpretation tasks require more meaningful transformations of data based on increasingly adequate models of real environments. This means that dynamic wavefield modeling procedures must be involved in the processing.

The Prime system has been developed from a set of procedures designed to solve an inverse kinematic problem more than 20 years ago to a full-featured 2D, 3D and 4D seismic data processing complex that has also been optimized for cloud-based computing and continues to grow steadily in this technological direction.