Seismotech, Ltd. will present reports at the 2nd Annual Conference "Investigation of oil and gas prospects of the North of Western Siberia"

On June 05, 2024 at 12:10 & 12:30 at the 2nd Annual Conference "Investigation of oil and gas prospects of the North of Western Siberia" Seismotech, Ltd. will present the following reports in Tyumen:

1. ‘Synergy of seismic data processing and interpretation based on a generalized model’

Speaker: Anisimov Ruslan, Leading Software Developer, Seismotech Ltd.


R. Anisimov, M. Isakov, S. Kostenko, I. Kuznetsov, D. Kunchenko, K. Ovchinnikov, O. Silaenkov, D. Finikov, A. Shalashnikov

Traditionally, the seismic data processing and interpretation is organized as a sequential and time-separated process. This approach, in a sense, is more convenient for work, since it reduces the required amount of interdisciplinary communications between specialists. However, such work process organization carries both potential problems and prospects for optimization.

Modern conditions of the oil and gas business place increasingly high demands both on the quality of the final forecasts, made using the processing and interpretation of seismic data, and on the timing of such work. To solve these industry challenges, we propose a new approach for the organization process of seismic data processing and interpretation. It includes a joint processing and interpretation workflow and implies closer interaction between geophysicists and geologists from the earliest stages of project. The core of such workflow is the building of layered depth model, which is the general common result of both processing and interpretation. It makes connection between geophysicists and geologists. An important aspect is the choice of layered depth model, since it based on picked seismic horizons and thus it utilizes the common terminology of seismic data processors and interpreters.

The proposed workflow assumes a deeper understanding of geological aspects of project by geophysicists, which significantly reduces the risks of potential errors and prevents them at the earliest stages. At the same time, geologists-interpreters are involved in the seismic data processing stage and have the opportunity to both influence on result and produce structural interpretation in parallel with the processing stage, which significantly reduces the overall time spent on project completion.

2. ‘Prime Cloud: seismic data processing on the cloud’


1.Anisimov Ruslan, Leading Software Developer, Seismotech Ltd.

2. Roman Matusevich, Head of Oil & Gas and Energy, Yandex LLC

Authors: R.G. Anisimov*1, S.A. Kostenko1, R.V. Matusevich2, D.E. Mosyakov1 (1 - Seismotech Ltd., 2 - Yandex Ltd.)

The Prime software in Cloud configuration allows processing seismic data on cloud computing resources of Yandex.Cloud; and the full seismic data processing workflow (from the beginning to the end of the project) is executed in the Cloud rather than the separate procedures only.

It takes 30 minutes to deploy the infrastructure part of the Prime Cloud virtual cluster, consisting of interactive application server, database server and distributed file storage servers. Thus, it takes only half an hour to start working on your first project on the Cloud.

Performance and configuration of infrastructure part of the virtual cluster (number of cores and large capacity of server RAM, capacity of distributed file storage) is defined by the user; and the user can change it during the operation of virtual cluster for the additional performance improvement.

To perform calculations, Prime Cloud automatically creates a computing cluster for each task using the API of Yandex.Cloud. When creating a computing cluster, the task features, parameters, and data volume are considered. Thus, the configuration of the computing cluster meets the requirements of each specific task to the following parameters: the number of servers, the number of cores; RAM capacity, and local disks capacity. Creation of a compute cluster takes on average from 1 to 2 minutes. After the task is completed, the computing cluster resources are automatically released.

Therefore, you will only pay for the resources needed to perform the calculations and will not pay for the equipment downtime.

Yandex Cloud platform provides instant access to resources and technologies, meets the highest requirements of the legislation in the field of information security and data protection. Yandex Cloud is designed and developed by Yandex.