Prime contains full list of all that necessary for field QC: handle tools and interactive applications for parameters computation and displaying.

Seismic trace attributes:

  • the instantaneous amplitude,
  • the instantaneous phase,
  • the instantaneous frequency,
  • the instantaneous weight average frequency.

Wave field parameters:

  • the weight average frequency;
  • dominant frequency;
  • the energy of trace;
  • the ratio of trace energies which are related to the different horizons;
  • the signal to noise ratio, which is estimated through the cross-correlation function;
  • the logarithm of amplitude, cepstrum decomposition, which is estimated through the cross-correlation function;
  • the RMS amplitude in sliding window;
  • the coherency.
Example of Signal, Noise и Signal/Noise displays.
Example of Signal, Noise и Signal/Noise displays.
Example of interactive velocity estimation on gathers.
Example of interactive velocity estimation on gathers.
Trace header fields numerical description and math operations with header fields.
Trace header fields numerical description and math operations with header fields.
Map of CDP positions.
Map of CDP positions.
Map of CDP fold.
Map of CDP fold.
Map of offsets range (2000-3600 m) .
Map of offsets range (2000-3600 m) .
Display of header fields (on the left) for the trace marked by red.
Display of header fields (on the left) for the trace marked by red.