Seismotech, Ltd. will present reports at the Conference "St. Petersburg-2024. Geosciences: current challenges and solutions" in April, 2024

Within the International Geological and Geophysical Conference "St. Petersburg-2024" we are pleased to invite you to attend the following reports:

1. Analysis of frequency-dependent absorption parameters in seismic data processing.

The speaker: Ovchinnikov Kirill, Leading geophysicist, Seismotech Ltd.

The authors are: Anisimov Ruslan, Finikov Dmitry, Ovchinnikov Kirill, Shalashnikov Andrey

2. Correction of frequency-dependent absorption effects in seismic data processing.

The speaker: Ovchinnikov Kirill, Leading geophysicist, Seismotech Ltd.

The authors are: Anisimov Ruslan, Finikov Dmitry, Ovchinnikov Kirill, Shalashnikov Andrey


The investigation of seismic wave absorption effects is one of the most important tasks of seismic exploration. It includes analysis of frequency-dependent absorption, parameterization of these effects, study of wave attenuation parameters and their interpretation. A large number of researches, including articles, monographs, algorithms and programs, are devoted to these issues. However, many theoretical and applied issues remain unresolved.

In the practice of seismic data processing there are not many means for absorption accounting, although in recent years they have become very popular. The absorption accounting methods are not well developed, and the existing absorption correction methods differ in their characteristics. It is important to develop approaches to correctly apply these methods in processing practice. This is especially important since in recent decades more and more attention has been paid to the interpretation of dynamic parameters of reflected waves, and the influence of absorption on these parameters cannot be ignored.

The consideration of frequency-dependent absorption can be split into two stages: Analysis of absorption parameters: determination of parameter values characterizing the absorption of waves in the medium. Distortion correction: elimination of distortions caused by absorption from seismic data.

Since the topic is rather complex and extensive, it was decided to divide it into two consecutive presentations. The first report briefly describes the main issues to be solved for the analysis of the Quality factor (Q) parameters. Then, different ways of representing Q parameters are discussed, and two algorithms for Q-efficient (Qeff) parameter analysis are presented: an optimization statistical algorithm and spectral decomposition by the maximum likelihood method.

The second paper is devoted to the modeling of synthetic data with absorption taken into account, the study of different ways of its description, their correlation, as well as the possibilities of modern methods of correction of distortions caused by absorption and ways of verification of results based on seismic data modeling.